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Vehicle Axle Weight Monitoring with VWS Integration

With the increased importance of vehicles complying with local and national road networks and weight limits, the missing link in the puzzle has been the absence of accurate vehicle weight data being available to Fleet Managers.  This break in the chain does not ensure that both drivers and vehicles are safe and compliant and the assumption can be made is that they are.

With trackNtrace hardware and software connected to the vehicles, we can provide “Live” data direct from the vehicle which shows axle weight activity. Even greater importance of this data will come with the addition of electric vehicles to the Fleet as there will be more power consumption used on an overweight vehicle, thereby, reducing the vehicle range.

RE-Tech UK has been working closely with our partners at VWS to bring you this vital missing link. Our solution integrates the vehicles On Board Weighing (OBW) system to provide accurate Weight in Motion (WIM) data straight to your PC or Laptop!

Vehicle Axle Weight monitoring is becoming more critical, RE-Tech UK has the solution integrating with the vehicles On Board Weighing (OBW) system to provide accurate Weight in Motion (WIM) data straight to your PC and desktop.

Front and rear axle weights can be measured and displayed through our trackNtrace software giving you this vital information that can avoid your driver and organisation being fined and your vehicle impounded.  With roadside vehicle checks becoming more frequent and one in three vehicles found to be overloaded, having this data has never been more needed.



Front and rear axle weights are being measured and displayed through our trackNtrace software, providing a great tool enabling Waste Collections to carry on at optimal levels.  This vital missing link can also avoid your driver and organisation being fined and your vehicle being impounded!

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With roadside checks becoming more frequent and one in three vehicles found to be overloaded, having this vital information has never been more valued and needed!

Operational Benefits Include:

  • Front and Rear axle weights displayed individually
  • Net and Gross vehicle weights individually displayed
  • Reducing vehicle maintenance costs
  • Improving vehicle and road safety
  • Overload alerts sent directly to Fleet Managers
  • Reducing environmental impact by lowering emissions
  • Reducing fuel consumption
  • Specific tipping locations can be added

For more information and competitive pricing packages, contact us using the contact form below.