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Direct Vision Standards 2024 PSS

What is DVS?

The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) was created to improve the safety of all road users, particularly Vulnerable Road Users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.

Between 2015 and 2017, HGVs were disproportionately involved in fatal collisions with people cycling (63%) and walking (25%) on London’s streets.

The current standard has reduced the number of fatal collisions by 75%, which is positive. But more needs to done in order to achieve the Vision Zero goal and make London’s streets safe for everyone.

From October 2024, the current Safe System requirement will be enhanced, and the minimum DVS rating required will be 3 stars. This means that 12t gross vehicle weight rated 2 stars or below, including unrated vehicles, will need to fit the new PSS (Progressive Safe System).

PSS Requirements are: 

Items that comply with the Progressive Safe System scheme include:

  • Class V and Class VI mirrors
  • Fully operational camera monitoring system must be fitted to nearside of vehicle, completely eliminating remaining blind spot at nearside
  • A blind spot information system with active sensors that give adequate warning to driver of presence of VRU’s, must be fitted to nearside of vehicle in accordance of technical specifications for the PSS
  • A moving off information system must be fitted to the front of the vehicle to warn the driver of the presence of a VRU, in accordance with the technical specifications for the PSS
  • An audible warning “Caution, this vehicle is turning left” or (for left hand drives) “Caution, this vehicle is turning right”
  • Side under-run protection fitted to both sides of vehicle
  • Signage

At RE-Tech UK, we supply, install and maintain safety solutions across the UK and as a proud FORS Associate we have been focused on the safety for every road user since the beginning.

For more information and competitive pricing packages, contact us using the contact form below.