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Driver Identification: Fleet Management

Driver Identification: Fleet Management is often missed and this can be more important than tracking the actual vehicle itself.  Legislation and organisations such as FORS is increasing the demand to ensure the right personnel are driving the vehicles they are licensed to drive. It is the responsibility of businesses to closely monitor the safe and legal amount of hours their employees are permitted to drive, managing this area effectively can be complicated.  This is evident when incidents occur on the road, such as speeding, hit and run, monitoring overtime and many other driver related scenarios.  At RE-Tech UK, we can incorporate CAN data and tachograph data onto one fully integrated software platform solution which can be downloaded via a live feed straight from the vehicle tachograph.  This eliminates the need for drivers to return to base before the tacho data is retrieved.

  • Real Time Digital Tacho Driver Hours
  • Alerts to Managers for Driving Hours infringements
  • Driver behaviour: speeding, harsh acceleration, braking and cornering
  • RFID or Dallas Key tagging with buzzer or complete immobilisation of vehicle

Digital Tachograph Driver Identification

More Information
Digital Tachograph Data is not only a legislative requirement but for time sheet and driver control a perfect solution enabling you to tag into a vehicles tachograph eliminating the need for RFID or Dallas Key driver tagging. With RE-Tech UK software capabilities we can offer Digital Tacho Data live through our software removing the need […]

RFID and Dallas Key Driver Identification

More Information
With RFID and Dallas Key solutions, RE-Tech UK can offer various ways to monitor driver identification with or without immobilising the vehicle. Using this process ensures Organisations are doing everything in their power to maintain not only a record of which personnel has been driving particular vehicles, but also if they are authorised and eligible? […]