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About RE-Tech UK

Here at RE-Tech UK we view our operation as offering support, security and safety solutions.

Our business was established in 2003 specialising in vehicle tracking, providing our customers with timely fleet management information at their disposal in the form of simple scheduled reports.

In the nineteen years since RE-Tech UK's launch the company MD Richard Edwards has broadened our product horizons, as not only is our tracking system, trackNtrace more advanced then ever before and simpler to navigate, but we have also launched a wide range of new products to the transport industry, including EyeScan, the advanced safety system protecting vulnerable road users and EyeWatch, a state of the art CCTV system. With IoT technology becoming more important, we are closely working with new partners within the Sigfox and WND networks, to use this exciting development opportunity for the benefit of new and existing customers.

If you can't track it, you can't manage it!


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